Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Passing through the streets and roads, oftenly we find that some parts of the roads totally empty, presenting the picture of “Death Silence”, where you can only feel the voice of your foot steps mixing with the voice of your heart beat. And mostly, the children feel as someone is following them and with this thought, they start running as fast as they can, in short, these parts of roads and streets are too much important and there are many aspects to share about these “Silence Roads” but today I am going to write its opposite. There are some Places that present the life, life with all its zeal and zest. No matter its winter or summer nights, you can find such areas which, present the picture of fair and festival. But there are some basic requirements of such area
1. The area should not a part of upper class society
2. The people should not be much civilized
3. The families of such areas should have large number of children
4. That should be a over populated area
5. People must have something to share with each others

Above mentioned five points are compulsory and the following elements are optional which can enrich and energetic the area.
1. An old, but still green and energetic historical tree with large leaves
2. Street lights with yellow color (not Tube light or energy saver light)
3. Little unorganized play ground
4. A general store, with cigarette, PAAN, Cold Drink along with all other necessities of life
5. A Barbarian’s shop with playing music on large Speakers (Out side his shop)
6. A Small Bar B Q point
7. Billiard / Snooker tables in open Air
Now, I try to write that how they entertain their gatherings first of all I start from the kids.
The kids are enjoying as they presented in the poem “Echoing Green by William Blake” they have their tension free minds running behind the each others and continuously laughing, and pronouncing the voices. Their only aim is to catch the other boys or to make escape to be caught. A little group of the little girls is sitting beside, they are sharing the stories of their dolls or telling about their school friends. Now, little about the youth group. What an excellent period is that, full of hopes, ambitiousness, and courageous part of life. The large number of teenager boys sitting and standing in groups, all they know each others but still they are in groups. Most of them wearing T-Shirts and Jeans, and don’t afraid if you find the Satan’s picture, printed behind their shirt and some text on front of their shirts, the text should be “ NO FEAR”, “CHALLENGE ME, IF YOU DARE” or “ROCKING START” Whatever written or printed on the shirt, its no matter. Now, One group is standing around the general store, one of them, who is the main leader of the group, inhaling the cigarette with style, others are drinking cold drinks (without pipe) everybody is trying to insult the boss (just in joke), the boss is silence just smiling and exhaling the smoke from his nose while looking towards his shoes. He along with group, is aware with his ability that his only one sentence will be enough as the reply of his group fellows. Other group is also there, that is some fighter group. That group leader is wearing the T-shirt, printed John Cina’s picture and have wrest ring in his wrest. The members of the group look aggressive and they are conversing about their previous fights and describing about their links with bad reputed murderers personalities of the area. One young man is sitting alone, looks very depressed, playing with a piece of thread. Now and then he looks towards a closed window and then again gets busy with piece of thread. Perhaps he has lost the opportunity to build an eye connection through that closed window. Probably, he has lost his love and recalling the time when he was able to see his love through that closed window. But still that place and that window is the most important elements of the world. This is the ruins of his love palace and he still feels comfort along with melancholy. On the other hand matured persons of the area are drinking tea on a round table. One of them is criticizing the government policies and others look agree with him. They are aggressively throwing light on the plight of poor, unavailability of sugar and flour, high prices of things, in short they are trying to find out that who is real responsible for the situation. Now, talk about the old men of that society. Though, they are old but still cheerful, all are sitting in circle and playing cards with too much aggression and enjoying their game to great extends. So, this was the short description of an area, “Full of life”. This is not a special day like Eid day or any other festival but it’s their routine activity. All they are relaxed, they know they have performed their duties of the day and all these activities start after offering the Isha Prayer. The remaining night is their and they are utilizing the time according to their own mind. This is not a presentation of any specific area but you can find all my above mentioned characters and atmosphere in “Dhobi Ghaat”, “Railway Colony” or any other Factory Quarters, Whatever the area is, people are same, their delights and sorrows are same and their destination is same. This is their entertainment, community and friendship as well. Just near this gathering place, we find a “Silence City”, ”perpetual rest place”, the Graveyard. After attending the final stage (“The Card Players Company”) of this mysterious world, they will transfer to the nearby “Silence City”; the Graveyard. So, this is the place which, presents not only the life on its all stages but also the picture of death, the perpetual place of rest.
In the end, I like to visit these places and try to penetrate into the every individual’s mind so I can find and feel the joys, pleasures and sorrows of everyone. While travelling such place, I live the life of their. Sometime I feel the joy of running and jumping bare footed on the road or ground, sometime steal the love feelings of someone and find myself in the memories and ocean of his beloved’s eyes. And this state of mind has its own charm and mystical world. Sometimes I feels as I am a great fighter and I can easily murder someone, now I feel as I am the great player of billiard, then I snatch the feelings of that girl who is working inside her home but her attention is towards the window, the whispering breeze is connected with her heart and giving her messages that just look towards the window, someone is waiting for just one glance of her. Now, I feel the feelings and emotions of that person who’s mind is full of anger with the government and the government policies, then I find myself on the table of cards and I find myself restless to show my winning card to others. And finally I can feel the bitterest reality of every individual on the earth, that I am laying in my grave, there is loneliness and darkness everywhere but here too I am optimistic. I know we are all connected with relations and these relations based on love. Allah is the Creator of all the creatures and it is HE who created love too. If a lover can embrace death just because of his love, then how Allah, (who is the creator of Love) will Punch me. So, in the grave my love for Allah and Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sal-Allah-Ho-Elay-Hey-Wasallam) will be enough for me and will with me in my grave Inshallah. Thank you for reading my post and spending your precious time.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Here in this post I want to share a personal experience. As I work in a company and employee cards are mandatory for entry in office. The Security Guards are very strict in this matter. Sometimes, I forget my employee card at home, request him (security guard) to let me enter in the office but he forced me to go back home and bring the employee card, then he will allow me to enter in. Though, I am here in this office since last two years and almost all the security guards are familiar with me, they recognize me and daily exchange greetings. So, by chance if now, I forget my employee card they let me go inside the office but one of them is too strict. I never see smile on his face or politeness in his vice. When I find his duty on the main gate I never tried to request him to let me go inside the office because it’s the saying of my teacher “Don’t say that words or don’t perform that actions where you have not above 80% chances of success”. Now, as I know the strict nature of that security guard, I don’t have even 5% surety that my request (to enter in the office without card) will be granted. So, when I reach office first I check my employee card, if I have, I show it to him, he slightly nodes and I enter. In other case if I forget my card at home, and that specific guard is on duty, I turned back to home for my employee card. In short, all other security guards have some soft corner but that one specific security guard is typically represents the Adolf Hittler, stone hearted.
Now I draw your attention towards my other experience which is related to above mentioned text.
Mostly, it has been witnessed that whenever we have to stop at signal, we restlessly wait for the green light and mostly start our journey even before the light turns green. Now, if a pretty girl is crossing the road or walking along the road, all the bike rider’s neck will move like radar, targeted to that girl and they don’t ready to move even though the light turns green. The voices of car horns break their dilemma and forced them to move.
Every one of us is familiar with the worldly famous cartoon “Tom & Jerry” just recall the behavior of Tom when he saws some female cat in the cartoon or sometimes Jerry saws the female mouse.
And even in parks we find a large number of boys following the girls. They follow the girls like pet animals and are ready to move/travel behind girls even 10 km or more but will not ready to go at the corner of their street if their parents demand something to bring from the shop.

Now, again I come back to my starting paragraph in which, I was writing about the strict security guard. Though, he is an abominable personality due to his strict attitude but personally I was impressed by him due to his commitments and sincerity to his job. As it is his job to stop employees who don’t have their identity and strictness is also the part of his job, in short, according to me, he was a dutiful employee, fully committed to his job descriptions.
Last evening, when I was leaving the office I saw a brand new applied for Toyota Corolla that just stopped at front the main gate of our office and a modern girl came out of the car. She was not the employee of our office and was just stranger. Now, that strict guard was on duty at that time so, he became more attentive. That lady called him with his finger and he rushed towards her. Then she ordered him(security guard) to put a box (which was placed on the road) in her car, according to his(strict) personality, I was expecting that he will show rude attitude towards that girl and will say her to move the car from the front of the gate and will also inquire about the mysterious box which, was just placed on the road but he went opposite to my expectations. First, he himself tried to lift the box and to put it in her car but when he realized that box is too heavy and he could not lift it alone, he started to shout to his companion security guards “oh put the box into the car” now he trying to say it in Punjabi language and if we translate it in Punjabi in this way “OYE EAY DABBA GADI CH RAKH DIYOO” but he was so confused and out of his senses to see that modern girl that he was saying “OYE EAY GADDA DABI CH RAKH DIYO”, “OYE EAY GADDA DABI CH RAKH DIYO” “OYE EAY GADDA DABI CH RAKH DIYO”.
Thank you for spending your precious time to read my Post.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The history of our planet “Earth” is full of heroes and heroism. There is long list of Knights and the stories of their chivalry and people always appreciate and seem impressed by these heroes and Knights. The braveness is considered the key of success and there is no doubt that power, courage and strength always appreciated.
After writing some words for the bravery and brave people, I would like to quote a poem “SUCCESS IS COUNTED SWEETEST” by: Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

SUCCESS is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple host
Who took the flag to-day
Can tell the definition,
So clear, of victory,

As he, defeated, dying,
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Break, agonized and clear.
The poetess is of the opinion that no doubt victory is very much important for the person who won the title of the battle and holding a flag of victory in his hand, but if somebody wants to understand the true explanation and importance of victory then he should concern the solder who lays down his life to achieve the title of victorious but inspite of all his efforts remains fail to achieve the title. In other words “victory” is much important for the dying solder as compare to the victorious solder.
We witness the examples of same theme in our daily life that the charms & Pleasures and our targets are much attractive, charming, important and appealing for us, until they are unachieved but as soon as we achieved our target, it’s importance started to decrease as compare to it’s previous status when it was unachieved.
Same way, its our part of nature that in one stage of our life (mostly between 15 to 21 years) we automatically start liking someone from opposite gender, in short words, we fall in love during our early youth and then always keep on thinking that how to disclose our feelings to over beloved, think different ways to express our feelings for her/him but again and again hesitate to express our feelings. Again the brave people never hesitate to express their feelings. They express themselves to their beloved, its other matter that they got positive or response from other side but they at least disclose and more than 70 % they succeed to win their love but there is different matter with cowards they hesitate, hesitate and keep on hesitating to express their feelings and at least they lost the opportunity and their beloved got engaged with someone other.
So, what you think? Are cowards lost in the field of love??? Again I will return to the Emily Dickinson’s poem and consider that the title of victory is coward’s beloved, the solider of the victorious army is the person whom his beloved got engaged/ married and finally coward is that dying solider of the poem who never achieved the title of victory. Though, he remains fail to express his feelings throughout his life and that’s why his love remains evergreen and fresh till his death and in this way that coward is winner over that brave person who find the love feelings in his mind and heart, disclose the feelings, and won his beloved.
Same theme is revealed in the famous Bollywood movie “DEVDAS”, as in that movie Devdas (King Khan Shahrukh Khan) remains fail to win the Paroo but she remains always in his mind, he always keeps her childish gifts along with him, and remember her with his every breath and at last lost his life. But still he is winner because paroo was with him, though not physically but her memories and her love always there, mixed in his blood.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Abhorrence Detector and Cleaner

The present period belongs to the inventions. And the list of newly invented things is prolonging rapidly day by day. But still there is missing one medical machine or device which, is very important and to be invented soon and that device should be “Abhorrence Detector and cleaner”. This device should urgently invent or at least there should be some protected shield, which can stop one’s to be injected with abhorrence against other fellows. Everyone is busy to fill or inject one person against other and as the result today our societies as well as individuals are presenting the worst picture that was never before.
As our scientists and medical specialists are working day and night to invent the medicine and treatments, for the diseases and as the result, now most of the diseases are recoverable which were not curable in the past time but there is no work in progress as for as the title of this article is concerned yet the matter need to be conducted seriously as the other global concerned matter are.
It is being said that abhorrence does not belong to any physical part of human body nor it is the form of some viral disease but now question arises if it is not among the disease then what is it? At last it is some thing, very awful and most dangerous then the Modern Weapons, Global Warming, Ozone Layer Hole or swine flue. No doubt that all these are harmful for our lives but abhorrence not only threat to our lives but as well as destructive for our feelings too and the hurt of feeling is much painful then any other pain. Still the Scientists and Psychologists are paying no heed towards this matter?
If abhorrence is the name of some idea, thought or state of mind, then there should be some device which can detect and clear it, as we have anti virus against computers or antibiotics against diseases there must be anti abhorrence injections or devices.
Now just imagine if we find such detector and cleaner how our society will looks.
There will be peace and calm everywhere. And our double personalities will become into single personality. We will be able to speak the language of our real mind; in short our hypocritical element will be finished. The children will not hate their parents for unequal distribution of property nor the parents will treat their children with wrong way. The brothers will not fight against each others just for little things. Life is limited and now the average life has been reduced to less then 50 years and I have witnessed the cases that brothers and sisters remain angry more than years and years. Friends are just friends and in reality there is no real passion and true affections between the friends. They don’t hesitate to hurt one and other with their rough attitude. Now everybody looks to highlighting the faults of others and it starts from home. Brother is highlighting his brother’s mistakes and faults, sisters are highlighting the faults of her sisters and brothers, mothers are complaining against their children, neighbors always remain ready to fight against each others same way the countries and the world powers are enemies, they don’t want to see other’s prosperity, again the reason is abhorrence.
So, if the scientists are not interested to solve this matter, and never they will, its our individual duty to abolish this hateful passion, disease or whatsoever it is called; abhorrence and be the pioneer of a better world.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Travelling is very imported in our life. Majority of people travels daily, most of the travelling concern with earning. People start travelling early in the morning for earning purposes and sometimes travel for just visiting other places.
One thing, which the writers often mentioned in their writings are the “Heavy travelling” here is the example of Shakespeare’s Sonnet “How heavy do I journey on the way” in this Sonnet poet is going to somewhere, away from his beloved and his heart is heavy. His sorrow is increasing gradually with the increasing of distance between him and his beloved.
Same feelings expressed by John Donne “Sweetest love, I do not go”. Like Shakespeare he is also going away from his beloved (Wife) he is also in tragic mode and unwilling traveling away.
Same way Robert Frost writes “The Woods are lovely, dark and deep…. But I have promises to keep”. Again the writer is feeling much attraction in his present stage or present time that’s why he is writing “Woods are lovely dark and deep” means he is not willing to move forward but unwillingly, due to his promise, he has to travel further.
So, it is reality the most of the time, journey becomes heavy when you are travelling away from your loved one people and as you travel further your sadness increases further. Our life itself is a journeys, the most complicated one and all we are in the state of travel. With the ticking of time we are running and our destination is death. Same way we have to cross the gates of death, leaving our loved ones here we will have to move forward. Though, our ancestors are already there, but still we don’t want to go there, leaving our loved ones. But we are bound and have to go there through this “Heavy travelling”
Thank you for spending your precious time and reading my post. Wish you Best of Luck. Your comments or mail will be appreciation for me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Backbiting; A major but Common Sin

The saying of our Beloved Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (May peace be upon him) is that backbiting is as that one eats the flesh of his/her dead brother. So, it shows that how greater sin is to speak against one’s absence. But unfortunately, it has became our common practice to frequently pass negative comments and remain ignorant that we are committing one of the greatest sins “backbiting”. Just recall our conversation among our social, family or official gatherings. Someone, just put a question to carry on the conversation “how is Mr./Miss XYZ, its long time to see him/her” so, this question is like the short pitched ball and now everyone will try to pull that ball for six. All the members will consider their duty to give some comments about that absent person and unfortunately most of the comments will be against him.
The continuity of this practice is injecting the abhorrence against each other and now we need make up of falsehood to conversation, we have to show that we are loyal sincere and loving with the other fellow but on the actual grounds we don’t have positive feelings. The reason is again same “backbiting “, which is responsible of this falsehood and the true feelings, true positive likings have been abolished.
If somebody commits crime like robbery or fraud he will get some money or other economic benefits so, his crime has some justifications but the question arises what we gain and what are the benefits to passing such negative comments? Why we enjoy recalling someone’s negative practices? I don’t know the answer. Perhaps, we have devil inside and we do such practices just to feed him but it is the only justification or the only safe side for our evil deeds that it was Satan who tempted us for sin. We put all our misdeeds on Satan’s shoulders and say very innocently that it was he (Satan) who forced us. I want to share a joke with you that once a person committed some wrong and when some asked him why you did it? He replied it was Satan who tempted him to do so, suddenly Satan appears there and explain that the sin was not even in his (Satan) mind and he is just blaming him (Satan).
Again come to topic that we should discourage this practice (backbiting) and if we can’t stop him (backbiters), at least we should not encourage them to do it. Shakespeare’s widely quoted quotation (“GIVE EVERY MAN THY EAR BUT FEW THY VOICE”) from his play “Hamlet” also giving indications that we should try our best to avoid making unnecessary comments. Its intellectual practice to listen more and speak less, in this way we continuously remain in learning process. For example, we are conversing with some intellectual, teacher or elder; definitely we will get something from his words. But if we talking with a fool then too we get some lesion from our meeting. It would be habit of foolish person that he will speak absurd, repeat his talks again and again or will speak against somebody. Definitely, we will feel irritation and on the other hand he is giving us lesson to avoid the practice what he is doing i.e. speak absurd, repeat talks again and again or speak against somebody. It means there is lesson for us even we are talking with fool.
In the end, we should be more practical and less theoretical. A wise person always weighs his words before utterance, it’s the key of success.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Competition among the Cell Phones and Service Providers

Communication was never as easy as it is in present era. It would not be wrong to say that for the last ten years belonged to the promotion of Cell Phones and Cellular Companies. Now, majority of our population is enjoying the services of more than one (Networks) service providers.
On the other hand there is a great competition between the Cell Phone manufacturer companies and (Networks) the service provider companies. Each day we see the arrival of new cell phone in the market, some are increasing the camera results, graphics, sound quality and others are working to increase the Battery timings, memory, speakers and microphone. In short, Major companies are working hard to reach and stay at the top in the market.
The competition is much tough between the service provider companies. They talk about the coverage and attractive packages of free minutes and free SMS. As the result, users are using more than one network. If one wants to make a long calls he will first change his sim, again when he is willing to send SMS he will rechange his sim. So, this practice is going on.
It is being said that whenever there is a competition between the companies user will gets the benefit. But as far as the above mention competitions (between the Cell Phone Manufacturer Companies and Service Providers Networks) is concerned, though, the apparently the customer/user is getting benefits but actually customers/users are in loss. Suppose you purchase a cell phone which has all the updated features. Next day or within few days, new features will be introduced in the market and the resale valve of your Cell Phone will move down up to 40%. Cell Phones are at the top as far as the lowest resale value is concerned. Everybody wishes to purchase the cell phone with the updated available features in the market. So, he has to sale his present cell and replace with the new arrival. This is the loss of money on the customer end but the major loss is due to the competition between service provider companies. They are offering the free minutes and free SMS Packages and our young generation is going mad to achieve these offers. So, if a person gets 500 free SMS just in 3 rupees and the validity of this offer is just one day. Now, he will try hard to consume 500/500 SMS per day. And if he achieved this target, he will consider himself a lucky person but actually he just wasted his time. And furthermore 90% of his SMS will be absurd, may be vulgar jokes or its another form. Another practice is also going on that someone sends the Ahadees Mubarka (Holy Saying of Hazrat Muhammad (May peace be upon him)) and in the end there we find that if you deliver this SMS to 10 or 20 people you will be rewarded and in other case you will find some lose. First of all these type of Ahadees Mubaraks are not authentic and specially the conditions to must forward the SMS is not justified in any case. In short, there will be hardly 2% of SMS is really necessary to send; containing some information.
So, if we have a glance in our past, people had much time for their families. They sit together and share their routine matters. And our villages were typically representative of such gatherings. Just imagine that all the mature members of a family are sitting, chatting and discussing their matters, sharing with each others, their children are also playing under their presence and it was the positive consumption of their time.
But now the table has been turned due to these latest Free minutes and Free SMS Offers. The senior members of the family sit alone and on the other hand young generation seems busy with their cell phones. Even in meetings, social gatherings, and parties they pay no heed to the conversation of the person physically present there but actually remain busy in chatting on their cell phones. All the time their fingers keep on moving over the cell phone, (for typing text messages) and they just node their heads to show that they are listening other’s conversation. So, the physical presence is not important now but another community has been came into exist which should be called the wireless community.
Furthermore, the common use of mobile among the teenagers is also playing a very vital role to increase the plight of our society. It is very easy to privately contact with the opposite sex and talk with them for hours and hours. Now it’s the obligation of our government to pay attention over this very serious issue and ban the unlimited free SMSs and free minutes. Though, it may be positive in some special cases but 90% of these offers have negative role.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Turbo Car Class Of Our Society

Invention of the wheel is the greatest invention and was the first step towards the globalization. Now, we see the roads full of traffic; the people are rushing towards their destination. Prior to this invention traveling was a difficult activity and it was too much perplexed to travel from one place to another, but now traveling has became an amusing activity. Most of the families come on the roads without having any destination. They just move on the roads and enjoy the driving. Children also insist for goalless drive and due to this practice our roads are full of luxury cars.
When we talk about the families on the read, their “purposeless driving” still has purpose and that is to provide some entertainment to their children but what is the justification of that “Turbo Car” having the resemblance with space car, with crystal blue lights under it. The road looks very beautiful when the “Turbo Car” travels over it. There is silencer with big diameter, producing a heavy echo which is enough to capture the attention of every one present on the road and we can feel the drum beating base just hitting on our heart.
Now we are able to see the travelers of that “Turbo Car”, full to its capacity. They are teenager boys clad in shorts, having the glasses over and cigarette under their noses. Mostly, the five passengers present there, two on the front seats and three on the back seat four of them are enjoying too much, their teeth are permanently out of their faces due to the continuously laughing. But one boy looks very serious, his face is hanging beside the door of that “Turbo Car” and he is looking too much depressed. Remaining four are busy but few and far between they inquire about the plight of their fifth companion and in reply he just nodded his head and try to convey that there is noting special, just his heart is worried.
As they are at their top speed, and you have just some seconds to see their “Turbo Car” so, we can just assume the reasons of his worries. Perhaps, he has not what he is willing to has, missing someone special, he has not someone special to miss, wants to capture the attention of others (because the tragedy appeals much) that’s why he is playing the part of a protagonist or perhaps luckily his conscious is awaking and resisting over his “Destinationless Drive”.
The “Turbo Car” will disappear, (leaving so many unsolved queries in your mind) but you can still listen the dying voice of song “TU MERI ADHURI PIYASS PIYASS”.
So, we should not lost in anxiety that our entire youth is as mentioned; this is the picture of just one of the society classes. There is still a class among our new generation to whom we can proud. They are getting higher education with responsibility and our institutes are full of talented students, fully well informed with their obligations.
As for as the “Turbo Car generation” is concerned, it should be an integral part of our society. I give the example of a computer. When we go to purchase our PC, our first concern is the Processor, Ram and Motherboard of a good quality. No doubt that computer is completed with these important devices but it will be a simple computer and adding the DVD ROM, 3D graphic devices, Web Cam, Joy Sticks and Game Cards etc. our computer will become Multi Media Computer; full of entertainment. Same way the presence of “Turbo Car Class” should be there to decorate and enrich the society.
Thank you for spending your precious time and reading my post. Wish you Best of Luck. Your comments or mail will be an appreciation for me.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Levels of Sensitivity

It has been observed that most of the people remain depressed in the present era and the heavy pleasant events required to change their mode. And it is observed that upper class brings lower sensitivity, as for as the pleasers are concerned. For example, if a rich person gives a gift of a Car on the birthday of his son, definitely his son will feel happy but on the other hand if a poor person gives a gift of toy (Car) on the birthday of his son, his son will be more happy as compare to that son who gets the actual Car.
Same way the girls who belong to aristocrat society show too much rude attitude towards the gifts they got from their parents and on the other hand the house maid keeps on looking towards the cloths, which the lady has been thrown after rejecting them. Now, just observer and feel the wish, desire or lust of that maid for those rejected cloths. And there are the possibilities that maid can not sleep that night just to play with her thought that perhaps next day the lady master give those cloths to her. She (maid) also mentions to her mother and sisters and tell them whole story about the cloths.
So, these classes of our society play a very vital role to change and develop our thoughts and thinkings. And as we go towards the upper class our sensitivity (to feel and enjoy the pleasures) will decrease. Same way, the self respect will increase as our social class will increase. Just few bitter words are enough to bring tears in the child who belongs to a upper class, on the other hand after having hard punishment, a poor child may keep on laughing.
In this way, it is God gifted built-in quality in human beings that if they don’t have as much money to by their pleasures, they naturally have the pleasure as gift from God. I explain with an example. Let suppose a person is driving a car and enjoying music in it, no doubt that he is being too much entertained and enjoying his journey, but on the same road another person can be seen riding on a bicycle and singing with joy. J That’s what I am trying to say, what though if the classes are different, the division of money among the people is unequal, but the pleasure, enjoyment or entertainment is equal due to the natural division of that sensitivity, about which I am writing about. And I repeat its formula again. Higher the class, lower the sense to feel the joy, lower the class, higher the sense to feel the joy.
In the end of this post, I give one more example to explain my view. Just visit to Minar-E-Pakistan. And you will find two boys flying remote control plane they are laughing and enjoying. You will easily find two other boys who will at the top portion of the Minar-E-Pakistan, spitting towards the ground and there game is simple that winner among them will be the boy, who’s spit will touch the ground first. And the laughter of these boys will be much louder as compare to the boys those are playing with remote control plane.
Thank you for spending your precious time and reading my post. Wish you Best of Luck. I will appreciate if you post some comments or send me mail.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Loss of precious currency

We, the human beings are hungry for rewards. All the time we look for the benefits and rewards or achievements. Our actions are to achieve some rewards. As life is limited, our rewards are limited too, in this world. No doubt, even our rewards are too precious that I have not words to thank God for them. First of all Allah make us humans, HE gave us relations like parents, brothers, sisters, husband, wife and children. And if we sincerely perform our duties towards these relations, avoid ourselves from major sins and obey the orders of our God. Then God promises for the greatest reward “Heaven”. As the life here after is eternal, the rewards and the pleasures of the Heavens are also eternal (Inshallah). We are also told that if we repent our sins and shed tears to recall our disobediences, God will forgive us (Inshallah) and the reward against our tears is Heaven. So, it would not be wrong to say that tears are the currency to purchase Heaven and its eternal pleasures. For one, tear may be just a drop of salted water but infact the tear is as much precious that one can earn Heaven, if these tear fall from our eye, reminding our sins repenting over them and recalling the blessings of Allah, I am sure that Allah will forgive us.
Whenever, you visit to any park you will feel very enrich atmosphere there. You will feel very light and relax among the nature. The atmosphere will be cool and peaceful everywhere, Children will have been playing in front of their parent’s eyes. And everyone will be relaxed and in cheerful mode.
But what is it? Why its so? An innocent girl is weeping? her tears are fading the beauty of dew droops. A file is placed beside her and she is enrolling the grass over her finger, having the continuous flow of tears over her cheeks. A boy is also sitting beside her, though he is not weeping but he is presenting the depressed form on his face, his consoling whispers and not as strong to pause the streams of tears. The walking visitors just pay little attention over the couple but the mystery always remains unsolved.
This is the common view in parks but I could never glance in the depths of that weeping heart. Illness lies among the feelings of princess or is it due to the darkness of her evil natured boy friend. I can just assume one point.
The things look attractive until they are out of reach; unconquered charm always looks much more charming and appealing. It can be noticed that children always demand the toys, they don’t have. And after having the toy, the value gradually decreased in the eyes of that child. So same happens in that case. Once the weeping girl is just like that unconquered toy, the boy throws the net of his love and sincerity and that princess tangled in that net but after having the victory over that girl, boy buries her in the graveyard of his love birds. So, to see the changed attitude, girl shows her tears to beg the sympathies of that boy, rightly said “RAJA GIDH” by Bano Qudsia.
So, who is guilty? The princess who is losing the tears just to provoke the sympathies in the “RAJA GIDH” (her lover) or “RAJA GIDH” himself who first throws the fake love net, then capture the bird and in the end, sow the seeds of his love in this last meeting (about which I am writing) and the girl waters those sows and next time when that boy again visits there in the garden, he finds a new plant of his love and in this way he replays the same episode, but with a new princess.

Thank you for spending your precious time and reading my post. Wish you Best of Luck. I will appreciate if you post some comments or send me mail.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Friendship, Name of the mutual need

Friendship is considered the strongest and powerful relation. I am not talking about the friendship of Male + Female, Male + Male or Female + Female, but I am talking about the all above mentioned forms of friendship. Mostly, it is considered that friendship is above all the relations. Friends are closer than brothers, sisters, children and parents. In short, friendship is the name of most superior relation. It might be so, but just in rare cases.
Mostly, some groups can be observed sitting on a big coat, playing cards, with the laughters on their faces, schools and colleges are the major institutes to find friendship. Life is incomplete without friendship. So, one can say, life is noting and meaningless unless you don’t have any friend.
Now, the question arises, which are the elements working behind this “Pure Relation” called “Friendship”.
1. In earlier ages, most of the persons, involves in such activities which they can’t share with there blood relations. For Example, relations with opposite sex, smoking in earlier age, fraud etc. So, to share the achievements in these departments friends are required.
2. In the Middle age, when people become practical, and has responsibilities of their families, they use “Pure Relation” to solve their matters, to get befits for their own, they use “Friends” and this exchange of using friendship continue from both sides. This type of friendship is one to one friendship. Do my work and in return I will do your job.
3. In old ages too, friendship continues. Now when the old people have much more sensitive hearts. They feel much, whey they have to face the bitter words from their own family members, they seek refuge under the shelter of friendship. So, they gathered, talk about their sacrifices, they done for their children, and in return what they earned.

So, in the light of above mentioned points, friendship is noting but just the name of need, there is no sacrifice without any purpose, there is no attraction without mutual interests, in short friendship is noting but a needed passion or relation. If someone needed a friend, then he will look for his/her personal gains. Otherwise, there is no need of friendship.
But we have the examples of too old friends. Friends who can not eat without each other, who can not join any party without the presence of other and who claimed one soul in two bodies. What is it? Are they really too much lucky to have a real friend or there is something else? It may be so that both are truly pure friends but even in that case, they too have some mutual interests and booth are needed for each others.
They could be trusted for each other and have loot of things/secrets to share.
They could be involve in different occupations and solve each others matters regarding to their field.
May be they have the same opposition and they have to be friends to face the opposition jointly.

In short, there will need of friendship but pure friendship is that which has no need from one or both sides. Friendship should be on the based of true emotions and not based on mutual needs. But if you find difficulty or impossibility to search for a pure friend then try to bring your friendship close to the pure friendship, at lease from your end you should not look your friend with needy eye, at least you should built your relations of friendship without any benefit or favor from the other side. And more important friendship must have limits and one should never cross those limits or boundaries.
According to me, the definition of a true friend is as “After my departure of this world, the persons those will pray for me, will be my best true friends”

Thank you for spending your precious time and reading my post. Wish you Best of Luck. I will appreciate if you post some comments or send me mail.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mr. Sajjad Ahmed, The Common Character

When you leave home early in the morning, you will find that the entire city is along with you, the purpose is same, to seek earning for you and your family. Everyone looks in routine hurry. And you can easily find the stress on their faces, except some exceptional cases. Specially, the people who are going to office, look depressed. They will look to watch again and again while standing on signal or other traffic jam cases.
When they reached office or workshop, they find there Mr. Sajjad Ahmed; the most senior employee or worker of that organization. He looks relaxed and cheerful as compare to the other staff. Soon the boss calls him, he goes in his room and then returns after briefing the concerned matters. Then he briefs the staff about the Boss’s intensions, mostly not good about the staff. After it, Mr. Sajjad Ahmed sits on his chair, will give some comments on politics, and his personal achievements. Everybody will agree with him in all the issues and matters. Mostly, the staff looks angry with him internally but shows too much loyalty. Why it happens? Who is Mr. Sajjad Ahmed? Who is right, Mr. Sajjad Ahmed or his Colleagues? I don’t know, but I try to write points of thinking from both sides.
First, I will introduce Mr. Sajjad. He is the most senior employee/worker among his staff, having ability to handle even the worst situation and major faults done by him or by his colleagues. Entire works and matters are on his finger tips. He can do that job just in ten minutes which others perform in one hour. He is full of confidence, fully aware with his skills. His attitude could be rude and authoritative. He has been proved himself a hard worker in past. He did all sort of assignments, still aware of work with all departments. Now, he is little lazy, because he has assistants to whom he can get work. Now, he only orders from his seat and others have to obey him. Big Boss calls only him in important matters, he is trusted person or Boss has to trust on him. In short, as Operating System works like a bridge between Hardware and Software, Mr. Sajjad too works like a bridge, a source of communications between upper executive class and the lower staff of him.
The majority of Mr. Sajjad’s colleagues seem unhappy with Mr. Sajjad and if I look him with the eyes of his colleagues, I can not see any good characteristic. According to the colleagues of Mr. Sajjad, he does not work, just comes in office and then sit on his seat. He only issue commands and orders and he himself does nothing. Most of the time he spend to solve his personal matters. He shows rude attitude towards them, and worst, Mr. Sajjad plays a very vital role to uplift of throw down the employee/worker’s status in the higher authorities. And he does only in the basses of his personal liking and disliking.
Now, if I come to the other side Mr. Sajjad has too his justifications. According to him, he has spend the golden part of his age in just one organization. In his earlier times, he faced too many hardships and has faced the character of Mr. Sajjad of that time. He has done all jobs with full devoted heart. He lost the golden part of his age just to achieve the title of “Mr. Sajjad” and as reward, he deserves some relaxation. Again, he covers the mistakes of his colleagues and presents good image to upper class. In short, according to Mr. Sajjad, he provides shelter for his colleagues and in return if he has to be rude sometimes, its his right.
In the end, its up to you, to conclude that who is right? Colleagues of Mr. Sajjad or he himself.

Thank you for spending your precious time and reading my post. Wish you Best of Luck. I will appreciate if you post some comments or send me mail.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Observe the Observers

Zoo is a park or an institution in which living animals are kept and usually exhibited to the public. It would not be wrong if we call it the park for children. It looks full on the Sunday, the weekly holiday and during the other public holidays, one has to wait for long time to enter in the zoological garden. Majority of people went there to amuse their children. It would not be wrong if I said that Zoo is favorite place among the children and young ones. But the favorite animals keep on changing with the passage of time. In the earlier ages, children like monkey then lion and elephant etc. But as soon as the young ones enter in teen age, their interest develops in the animals without cage. Perhaps now they become more courageous and now they lost their interest in the innocent animals, behind the bars. Now they prefer to gaze the animals without cage, openly walking and offering themselves for exhibition.
Most of the animals are imported, only few belong to Pakistan. But the local animals feel inferiority complex. So, they try to copy the actives of imported brand. Doing so, they lost their charm and simplicity. And those animals present the funny look to their visitors.
“Popcorns” are not allowed to offer the animals publicly but this practice is continued. Now, there are two classes of visitors. One is that, which can afford the popcorns. They tempt the animals by showing popcorns to capture their attention, and the second class just amused to see this practice of offering and accepting the popcorns. They just watch this drama with the laughter on their faces and commenting that it is the game for rich class because animals have only one interest, “Popcorns”. Some naughty persons throw empty packing bags towards the animals and earn their anger.
So, the animals behind the bars also get amusement to watch the practices of animals out of the bars. And as we have a circle of life, same way we have circle of entertainment. In the earlier ages children get pleasure to see the activities of animals behind the bars and when those children put step in teen age, animals from behind the bars amused to watch their activities.
A connection between human and animal is not much harmful there in zoo because no any horrible encounter expected there due to the interference of public, but if some visitor leads animal towards the Laurence Garden, there are much chances for horrible encounter. Because there are the existence of isolated places, the Eden of hunters. But even in these isolated places there could be the existence of some horrible creature, watching you behind the bushes. So, its warning for both the animals and visitors to don’t spread out of the zoo. It would be harmful for society and if it happens whole the society will present the reflection of jungle.

Thank you for spending your precious time and reading my post. Wish you Best of Luck. I will appreciate if you post some comments or send me mail
Arif Iftikhar

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Traveling by Local Transport

Traveling is a pure source of entertainment among young ones. But now, traveling is losing its charm among young generation and other alternates took place of it. Now most of the young generation likes to entertain themselves with Cell Phones. They spend their all time while chatting, SMS and making Calls. The reason is simple. Call Rates are low, and SMS are mostly free of cost after getting some package. So, its other topic, called “New generation and Cell Phones”. Today we are going to discuss about the traveling.
So, there are two main types of traveling, first within the city and secondly within the country. I will not talk about the upper class because I don’t know much about that, I am from a lower middle class so how the people of our class travel from one place to other, that’s what I am going to write. We use local transport to travel and mostly we find the same inside picture of all the buses.
Ok, I start my journey. If you lucky enough to travel from the starting start of route then you will have to face no problem. You just wait for the arrival of Bus. And as soon as possible you find the bus, rush towards it and sit on your desired seats. I am sure that the bus will fill just within the minutes. And then you will find standing passengers and some of them will not hesitate to sit on your shoulder, if you are sitting. But if you want to enter from the mid of any bus’s route then you will have to be more courageous. Make the full focus on that way from where the bus will give its appearance, as soon as you find the first glance of your desired bus, gather your all strength and step towards the bus yourself. Bus will bow down towards one side (gate side) because the passengers are already hanging with bus’s gate. As soon as bus stops on the stop. Hold your breath and push yourself in the sea of people, if you succeed, you will find yourself, among the restless people. You mouth will have been fixed under the armpit of some solid villager type of person, someone will keep on resisting to pull back his foot which, is under your feet. Some kid is trying to rush towards the gate, because his stop has been left behind. Soon you will settle in that atmosphere. Then you can enjoy your surroundings. You will find majority of students is hanging with the gate of bus, they have just a little support and the entire body is out of the bus. But they are happy, considering themselves as a spider man or superman, they enjoy their adventure. Remaining students are clinging with the grill, which is separating female and male portions of the bus. They are enriching their eyes with a deep gaze across the grill.
Then you will find a dirty faced kid, (who is lucky enough to have a seat with the window) vomiting on the road. All his face up to neck is outside the window, and he is busy to vomiting. His father or grandfather is sitting with is side seat, he is not worry at all. As it is the routine work of his travel. Another old man is standing along them, in his mind he is wishing to make a demand that “take your son in your lap and give me place” but due to the plight of that kid, he could not convert his wish to word. Soon you will feel a heavy hit of an iron pot. A milkman trying to get down the bus, he has 5 or 6 jars full of milk and he is pushing the jars towards the gate. Other passengers are putting pressure on the driver and conductor to move the bus as soon as possible. In haste milkman get down on the road along with his milk jars. As the bus moves he came to know that one of his jar is missing, he rushed towards the bus, soon the conductor throws the remaining jar on the road. Then you will listen some exchange of abuses from both sides (milkman and conductor) and then some passenger will pass comments, some in the favor of milkman and others in favor of conductor.
Suddenly a person starts paying regards to everyone and then he starts amusing the gathering with his own poetry. And after entertain the “Traveling Town” he offers something to sale only in 10 Rs. Which’s actual price is Rs. 100 in the market. Amazing! But it happens. So, start your struggle (to reach to the door) when your destination is three K.M ahead otherwise conductor will throw you out after passing the same distance from your desired bus stop.
Thank you for spending your precious time and reading my post. Wish you Best of Luck. I will appreciate if you post some comments or send me mail

Friday, January 30, 2009

Heart or Mind?

This is my first post in this blog and the title of the blog is “Wrods of Hert”. So, first, its matter of thinking that from where my thinking and ideas come????. Is it the creation of my mind or heart? Or in other words, what is the source of the creation of my ideas, thinking wishes etc. some are of the opinion that all mentioned things are the creation of heart whereas others are of the opinion that these things are the creation of mind. What you think? Ok… leave it just tell me it this thinkable topic or not? But from where you think? From you heart or from your mind? Believe me…. Me too don’t know that should I blame my heart for thinking or should I blame my mind for my thinking.
Now just come towards the other school of thoughts. One is called “Idealism” and the other called “Realism”. There is no proof for me to prove my point of view but mostly the things and ideas close to the realism,, are the creation of mind. The mind wants proves, evidences to accept and to generate ideas. And the ideas which lead us towards the idealism are the creation of heart. So, again we find two definitions first one “Thoughts & ideas which lead towards the realism are generated by mind”
And second definition
“Thoughts & ideas which lead towards the idealism are generated by heart”
But all our discussion is just illusion, what is the fact? Perhaps nobody knows. I know just one thing that realism is better reality. And idealism is a cup of juice. And one should have idealism and imaginative world where he can take refuge. Or in other words from the desert of reality we should escape towards the greenery of imaginative fields. So, while writing I find some pair of words and in future post I will try to write more on these words. These words are:
Realism + Reality + Harsh/ Bitter + Desert + Thinking of Mind
And the second set is:
Idealism + Imaginative World + Soft + Greenery + Thinking of Heart.

Thank you for you spending your precious time and reading my post. Wishing you Best of Luck. I will appreciate if you post some comments or send me mail.