Friday, March 6, 2009

Loss of precious currency

We, the human beings are hungry for rewards. All the time we look for the benefits and rewards or achievements. Our actions are to achieve some rewards. As life is limited, our rewards are limited too, in this world. No doubt, even our rewards are too precious that I have not words to thank God for them. First of all Allah make us humans, HE gave us relations like parents, brothers, sisters, husband, wife and children. And if we sincerely perform our duties towards these relations, avoid ourselves from major sins and obey the orders of our God. Then God promises for the greatest reward “Heaven”. As the life here after is eternal, the rewards and the pleasures of the Heavens are also eternal (Inshallah). We are also told that if we repent our sins and shed tears to recall our disobediences, God will forgive us (Inshallah) and the reward against our tears is Heaven. So, it would not be wrong to say that tears are the currency to purchase Heaven and its eternal pleasures. For one, tear may be just a drop of salted water but infact the tear is as much precious that one can earn Heaven, if these tear fall from our eye, reminding our sins repenting over them and recalling the blessings of Allah, I am sure that Allah will forgive us.
Whenever, you visit to any park you will feel very enrich atmosphere there. You will feel very light and relax among the nature. The atmosphere will be cool and peaceful everywhere, Children will have been playing in front of their parent’s eyes. And everyone will be relaxed and in cheerful mode.
But what is it? Why its so? An innocent girl is weeping? her tears are fading the beauty of dew droops. A file is placed beside her and she is enrolling the grass over her finger, having the continuous flow of tears over her cheeks. A boy is also sitting beside her, though he is not weeping but he is presenting the depressed form on his face, his consoling whispers and not as strong to pause the streams of tears. The walking visitors just pay little attention over the couple but the mystery always remains unsolved.
This is the common view in parks but I could never glance in the depths of that weeping heart. Illness lies among the feelings of princess or is it due to the darkness of her evil natured boy friend. I can just assume one point.
The things look attractive until they are out of reach; unconquered charm always looks much more charming and appealing. It can be noticed that children always demand the toys, they don’t have. And after having the toy, the value gradually decreased in the eyes of that child. So same happens in that case. Once the weeping girl is just like that unconquered toy, the boy throws the net of his love and sincerity and that princess tangled in that net but after having the victory over that girl, boy buries her in the graveyard of his love birds. So, to see the changed attitude, girl shows her tears to beg the sympathies of that boy, rightly said “RAJA GIDH” by Bano Qudsia.
So, who is guilty? The princess who is losing the tears just to provoke the sympathies in the “RAJA GIDH” (her lover) or “RAJA GIDH” himself who first throws the fake love net, then capture the bird and in the end, sow the seeds of his love in this last meeting (about which I am writing) and the girl waters those sows and next time when that boy again visits there in the garden, he finds a new plant of his love and in this way he replays the same episode, but with a new princess.

Thank you for spending your precious time and reading my post. Wish you Best of Luck. I will appreciate if you post some comments or send me mail.

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