Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Passing through the streets and roads, oftenly we find that some parts of the roads totally empty, presenting the picture of “Death Silence”, where you can only feel the voice of your foot steps mixing with the voice of your heart beat. And mostly, the children feel as someone is following them and with this thought, they start running as fast as they can, in short, these parts of roads and streets are too much important and there are many aspects to share about these “Silence Roads” but today I am going to write its opposite. There are some Places that present the life, life with all its zeal and zest. No matter its winter or summer nights, you can find such areas which, present the picture of fair and festival. But there are some basic requirements of such area
1. The area should not a part of upper class society
2. The people should not be much civilized
3. The families of such areas should have large number of children
4. That should be a over populated area
5. People must have something to share with each others

Above mentioned five points are compulsory and the following elements are optional which can enrich and energetic the area.
1. An old, but still green and energetic historical tree with large leaves
2. Street lights with yellow color (not Tube light or energy saver light)
3. Little unorganized play ground
4. A general store, with cigarette, PAAN, Cold Drink along with all other necessities of life
5. A Barbarian’s shop with playing music on large Speakers (Out side his shop)
6. A Small Bar B Q point
7. Billiard / Snooker tables in open Air
Now, I try to write that how they entertain their gatherings first of all I start from the kids.
The kids are enjoying as they presented in the poem “Echoing Green by William Blake” they have their tension free minds running behind the each others and continuously laughing, and pronouncing the voices. Their only aim is to catch the other boys or to make escape to be caught. A little group of the little girls is sitting beside, they are sharing the stories of their dolls or telling about their school friends. Now, little about the youth group. What an excellent period is that, full of hopes, ambitiousness, and courageous part of life. The large number of teenager boys sitting and standing in groups, all they know each others but still they are in groups. Most of them wearing T-Shirts and Jeans, and don’t afraid if you find the Satan’s picture, printed behind their shirt and some text on front of their shirts, the text should be “ NO FEAR”, “CHALLENGE ME, IF YOU DARE” or “ROCKING START” Whatever written or printed on the shirt, its no matter. Now, One group is standing around the general store, one of them, who is the main leader of the group, inhaling the cigarette with style, others are drinking cold drinks (without pipe) everybody is trying to insult the boss (just in joke), the boss is silence just smiling and exhaling the smoke from his nose while looking towards his shoes. He along with group, is aware with his ability that his only one sentence will be enough as the reply of his group fellows. Other group is also there, that is some fighter group. That group leader is wearing the T-shirt, printed John Cina’s picture and have wrest ring in his wrest. The members of the group look aggressive and they are conversing about their previous fights and describing about their links with bad reputed murderers personalities of the area. One young man is sitting alone, looks very depressed, playing with a piece of thread. Now and then he looks towards a closed window and then again gets busy with piece of thread. Perhaps he has lost the opportunity to build an eye connection through that closed window. Probably, he has lost his love and recalling the time when he was able to see his love through that closed window. But still that place and that window is the most important elements of the world. This is the ruins of his love palace and he still feels comfort along with melancholy. On the other hand matured persons of the area are drinking tea on a round table. One of them is criticizing the government policies and others look agree with him. They are aggressively throwing light on the plight of poor, unavailability of sugar and flour, high prices of things, in short they are trying to find out that who is real responsible for the situation. Now, talk about the old men of that society. Though, they are old but still cheerful, all are sitting in circle and playing cards with too much aggression and enjoying their game to great extends. So, this was the short description of an area, “Full of life”. This is not a special day like Eid day or any other festival but it’s their routine activity. All they are relaxed, they know they have performed their duties of the day and all these activities start after offering the Isha Prayer. The remaining night is their and they are utilizing the time according to their own mind. This is not a presentation of any specific area but you can find all my above mentioned characters and atmosphere in “Dhobi Ghaat”, “Railway Colony” or any other Factory Quarters, Whatever the area is, people are same, their delights and sorrows are same and their destination is same. This is their entertainment, community and friendship as well. Just near this gathering place, we find a “Silence City”, ”perpetual rest place”, the Graveyard. After attending the final stage (“The Card Players Company”) of this mysterious world, they will transfer to the nearby “Silence City”; the Graveyard. So, this is the place which, presents not only the life on its all stages but also the picture of death, the perpetual place of rest.
In the end, I like to visit these places and try to penetrate into the every individual’s mind so I can find and feel the joys, pleasures and sorrows of everyone. While travelling such place, I live the life of their. Sometime I feel the joy of running and jumping bare footed on the road or ground, sometime steal the love feelings of someone and find myself in the memories and ocean of his beloved’s eyes. And this state of mind has its own charm and mystical world. Sometimes I feels as I am a great fighter and I can easily murder someone, now I feel as I am the great player of billiard, then I snatch the feelings of that girl who is working inside her home but her attention is towards the window, the whispering breeze is connected with her heart and giving her messages that just look towards the window, someone is waiting for just one glance of her. Now, I feel the feelings and emotions of that person who’s mind is full of anger with the government and the government policies, then I find myself on the table of cards and I find myself restless to show my winning card to others. And finally I can feel the bitterest reality of every individual on the earth, that I am laying in my grave, there is loneliness and darkness everywhere but here too I am optimistic. I know we are all connected with relations and these relations based on love. Allah is the Creator of all the creatures and it is HE who created love too. If a lover can embrace death just because of his love, then how Allah, (who is the creator of Love) will Punch me. So, in the grave my love for Allah and Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sal-Allah-Ho-Elay-Hey-Wasallam) will be enough for me and will with me in my grave Inshallah. Thank you for reading my post and spending your precious time.